Monday, November 7, 2011

Playing devil's advocate...ten comments on this Sandusky situation


I don't proclaim to know anything more about this situation than anybody else. I only know what I've read. And, I guess this is more a reaction to the reactions I've seen from the angry mob.

  1. Why isn't anybody calling for the head of the PSU grad student that witnessed the Sandusky incident and only 'reported up?' Or the janitor? Or the wrestling coach? Anyone along that line could've easily called the cops. But, all of them felt that reporting it up the chain was the correct thing to do.
  2. There are lots of reasons JoePa should hang it up, but 'reporting up' as prescribed isn't one. He reported it the next day, and the grad assistant detailed what he saw to university officials.
  3. It's in the hands of the law, give the torches and angry town folk a night off. The facts will emerge with or without your angry chorus for any name you know from PSU to be stoned to death. I know it's all the rage to be part of an angry mob online and topple villages, but the process is in motion.
  4. Sandusky was removed from the football program as well as any campus-related activities involving children once Paterno was alleged to have been made aware.
  5. The people who should've acted, but did not have been removed once it came to light that they acted dishonestly. If it comes to be that others were aware and aided in a cover up, they too should be dealt with.
  6. Should Sandusky prove to be guilty, he should, and will be dealt with aggressively.
  7. Should the officials that acted dishonestly prove to have obstructed legal process or enabled the continuation of these alleged acts, they will be held accountable as a party to the crime.
  8. Large institutions have lots of people--some good, some bad. A lot of good people work at PSU and most have good intentions. Let's remove the infected appendix without killing the patient.
  9. Second Mile has publicly known of accusations against Sandusky since 2002, but he still had unsupervised access to kids through that program, leading to at least the 2005 incident. He wasn't restricted in access until 2008 and wasn't removed from the org until 2010. Why isn't there an angry mob darkening their towers?
  10. People can only operate on the information they are given. How many of you would be surprised that a co-worker beat their kids or kept bodies in their refrigerators, but acted and functioned normal at work? I don't pry into the personal life of my co workers. And in a large institution, it's easy to see how bad seeds could be under your nose without ever knowing.

Bottom line, a lot of good goes on at Penn State. Like any large institution, there are good and bad people. All indications are that the issues are caused by individuals, not the institution. The bad people should be dealt with appropriately. It is the job of the institution to fix the situation, remedy what it can and restore its greatness. This is in the works regardless of rallies to throw the babies out with the bath water. Still have extra energy, focus on the victims, donate to programs, learn from the situation and be vigilant.

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